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  • ... his 1963 book, "Naissance de la Elinique," "One hears certain words at the moment he perceives a scenery." The act of seeing is a...
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    ... admirers describe the piece as "a web-based exploration in words and images of the impact Barbie and all her baggage have had on...
  • Great Wall of China -
    ... The database for the work consists of all the individual words in the original Kafka story. There are no linguistic structures...
    ... programmed in early VRML 1.0, silent and un-animated. 3D words expressing the most intense emotions in a human history (exile,...
  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... with red LEDs is installed in each of the four floors. From a word catalogue with 600 terms, 3 programmed "phrase machines", each...
  • Secret
    ...The words in "Secret" are dispersed in the semantic darkness of a potential space. The reader is invited to navigate this space and create...
  • Wine
    ... fashion. The poem articulates the fleeting apparitions of the words from within themselves, as if one word would write another....
  • Letter
    ... reading possibilities. In "Letter" a spiraling cone made of words can be interpreted as both converging to or diverging from the...
  • Between the words -
    This installation constitutes a specific modality of remote communication between two persons where facial expression and hand gestures are its essential agencies. Two people face each other through an opening in a wall where an optical system
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... and change the project in unexpected and random ways. The word "clinic" in this case also means inspection or exchange. In the...