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  • In separate installations of the History Apparatus, the artist planted in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred years: on the central square of Neumarkt in the town of Arnsberg and on the terrace of the Neue Nationalgalerie
  • On occasion of the tenth parabolic flight campaign of the DLR (German Aerospace Center), Agnes Meyer-Brandis is venturing an expedition into 8500m altitude, in order to research the activities of aerosols under the condition of zero-gravity (Sept.
  • The Wanderkino deals with the Art and Science under the absence of weight. As a mix of film, performance and lecture it shows flying machines with mechanisms based on gravity and weightlessness, examines cloud cores and presents a gravimetric
  • 42-The Large Meteor T-R-A-P investigates the possibilities of calculating and steering a meteor safely down to Earth. On October 7th 2008 the first meteor ever to be predicted impacted in Sudan exactly on time. Many scientists are working on
  • Das FORSCHUNGSFLOSS - Institut für Kunst und Subjektive Wissenschaft wirft Anker im Flughafentower Tempelhof und präsentiert aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem "Fall-Labor". Das Augenmerk dieser hoch über dem Flugfeld angesiedelten Abteilung liegt auf der
  • Public Meteorit Watching Event Date: Nov. 16th 2010, starting at 6:30pm expected impact time: 20:33pm Location: meadows behind Kauwstraat 10, 9500 Herzele, Sint Lievens Esse, Belgium Herzele is about 40 km from Brussels and a rather small
  • The "Tropospheric Laboratory" allows insights into cloud cores and other matter of the apogee. The installation narrates the synthesis of clouds and shows varying conditions and combinations of art and science in the absence of weight. The
  • The Teacup Tools are an array of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate related sciences.They appear as a multifunctional tool for the investigation of tiny micro clouds above tea, for communication and for tea drinking.
  • Hà Nội
    Hà NộiArtist: Thomas PorettComment:
  • Tweetopia
    ... of time, through minute changes in a fixed structure,...