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  • Central Shutter (Computer Mobiles - Human Motions)Artist: Tamas WaliczkyComment:
  • Digital Portrait inspired by Matthew Florez: The difference between perceived self, and the rest of the universe.
  • FIELDS 2.1
    Fields 2.1 is an attempt to create an illusion of consciousness in non-living matter. A moving eye is a property that allows the viewer to perceive the “inanimate” as the “conscious”. Using magnetic fields and ferrofluid technologies the artists
  • I made this video back in 2005 for the S3 Project (Sights and Sounds of Science), organized by the Materials Research Center of the University of Chicago. I combined some video shot inside the old building of the James Frank Institute, with
  • Biopsia - video
    This piece is a kinetic sculpture consisting in a disc where a drop of colored water falls from the ceiling at regular intervals. An animation of a clockwork mechanism, revolving around the color stains, is projected onto the disc. It was part of
  • This piece is part a sculptural object, and part a performance work. A Calchaquí loom was used to knit a long piece of textile were electronic components to play and record sounds were embedded into. Spectators of the performance were invited to sit
  • Opus Zero -
    This work explores memory and reinterpretation: a dinner was organized by the artist at his home, and 5 people were invited to take part of it. The conversation that ensued over the dinner table was recorded, and parts of it were re-enacted by the
  • In this collaboration with David Elliot, Patrick Tierney, and Tiffany Pan, we proposed a do-it-yourself, decentralized bulletin board system that uses FM radio for transmitting messages received by phone. In addition, each transmitter node in the
  • FLUflux -
    n this project selected for the Visualizar ’09 workshop at the Media Lab Prado, Jihyun Kim and I created an interactive visualization of the correlations between international flight travel and the outbreaks of global diseases during the first
  • ITCH
    The ITCH acronym stands for “Interactive Technology – Community Hacking”, and as such it tries to represent a wide artistic research project concerning with the impact of personal mobile technologies on social behavior, particularly in the public