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  • Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  • Interactive tea table installation Zone Gallery (Newcastle). Solo show.
  • Video, 4 min 13 sec, color, sound An experimental documentary, part of the web project "Women of a Certain Age"
  • Akousmaflore is an interactive installation, a small garden composed of living musical plants, which react to gentle contact. Each plant reacts in a different way to contact by producing a specific sound. The plant «language» or song occurs through
  • Magic Forest. 2002. Was made for the exhibition Head On in 2002, a show at the Science Museum on neurology and the brain. The work was produced in collaboration with Wellcome Foundation. The final work is a dream-like journey through a sea of
  • Wie das leise Spiel an der Kinder-Krippe fügen sich Formen im Schattenspiel zu einer Geschichte. Das hat etwas Zauberhaftes, doch die Bilder brechen schnell mit der vermeintlichen Idylle. Die indische Künstlerin Nalini Malani ist mit ihrer
  • ... Lynn Hershman Leeson has been internationally acclaimed for her...
  • 4 projector slide dissolve work 2010 The work is a meditative piece that follows the 10 or more ways that come together in the cell to cause it to die and us to age; the protein debris that accumulates, the chromosome damage produced, etc. etc. The
  • Global Direct -
    "Global Direct introduces the idea of direct participation in worldwide governance within the tradition of utopian artistic visions. The artwork is presented as a visionary political program that structures global direct democracy through the
  • Post Brands -
    "This is a triptych of three street art pieces that starred in a poster campaign that took place over several years in a number of European cities. The artworks were printed in black and white on wide format paper or stickers and pasted illegally on