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  • Excavation
    Excavation (part I), installed in All Saints Church, is a film sequence, projected on to the floor, showing an archaeologist’s hand gouging earth with a trowel during the excavation of Gawthorpe Hall the original Medieval manor house at Harewood.
  • Brighter Later -
    Brighter Later, was a temporary light installation commissioned for the Radcliffe Observatory at Green Templeton College as part of Tracing Venus, the University of Oxford’s Public Art Programme for the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. Inspired by
  • And That’s The Way It Is is a collaboration between the University of Texas’s public art program Landmarks and The Office for Creative Research from the spring of 2012. Drawing on transcripts from the Cronkite archives held by the Briscoe Center and
  • Shakespeare Machine is a permanent artwork in the lobby of the Public Theater in New York City. It was commissioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent-for-Art program and the Public Theater. It was opened to the public in October, 2012.
  • Arguendo
    Arguendo re-enacts the 1991 Supreme Court Case Barnes v. Glen Theatre, initiated by a group of go-go dancers against an Indiana law banning public nudity. Electronically mediated with references to relevant court cases and the First Amendment, the
  • Continuum
    Continuum is a mirror that "captures" anything that moves before it. Anything that does not move is not reflected but is lost in the inky blackness of the background of the screen image. Continuum is a "mirror" that "reflects" things as both a
  • Agent
    Agent captures people as a temporal trace. If a viewer remains stationary in the space before the screen they progressively become more solid and corporeal in their appearance. If they move they transform into a will'o'wisp like ghost or sprite,
  • Blowup
    Blowup is an interactive performance environment, designed for choreographed performances and public interaction. The work consists of a large video projection in which video imagery of the performers/viewers is manipulated in real-time. The
  • Bodytext
    Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A dancer's movement and speech are re-mediated within an augmented environment employing real-time motion tracking, voice recognition, interpretative language systems,
  • Tower
    Tower is an interactive literary art work where the computer listens to and anticipates what is to be said by those interacting with it. A self-learning system, as the inter-actor speaks the computer displays the next words, in the order of