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  • 598 -
    ... zu benutzen. Wir wollen quasi vor unserem inneren Auge eine Art Landschaft des wahrgenommenen Bildes aufbauen. Schafe sind in...
  • ... is on show in the exhibition Stadt am Rande at the Today Art Museum, Beijing. The new Chinese recruits Wang, Ming Mei, Cheung,...
  • ... & left), 2010 “E-volve brings together computer generated artworks of different artists, which are software based and develop...
  • click on the base of the tree to write a message type a message in the text box click outside text box to store message in ribbon discard a message in the text box by clicking on the close button in the top left corner place ribbon on an empty
  • Wish
    ...created by boredomresearch, July 2007 collection of Computer Fine Arts (Edition No 2) The eastern myth says if your wish hangs in the tree...
  • skyrail
    ... Waterfront Museum, Swansea, project managed by Cywaith Cymru, Artworks Wales and supported by the National Centre of Computer...
  • Level Head -
    ... nowhere and will send the character back to the room they started in, a trick designed to challenge the player's spatial memory....
  • The Artvertiser -
    ...The Artvertiser is an urban, hand-held Augmented Reality Improved Reality project that re-purposes street advertisements as a surface for...
  • max mip tex -
    chad and I were playing around with running some of our half-life levels on a Hercules card [KyroII chipset] using the wrong drivers [Nvidia Geforce 2] . we suspected this might lead to something interesting, as they have very different ways of
  • Trapped rocket -
    Trapped Rocket futility and expectation in a Euclidean universe, 2006, 2008 Trapped Rocket is a 4.9Mb software involving a simple simulation of a guided missile, trapped between 3 pairs of opposing views (a cube) while trying to reach its