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  • ... premières œuvres de Maurice Benayoun, s’articulent autour de la thématique historique du Carré...
  • Pièces à conviction -
    ... je m’interroge sur le sens de la pratique artistique au milieu des années 80. 8 artistes...
  • A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
  • ... the practices of algorithmic agency, artificial life, virtual communities, human...
  • Cityscapes
    ... ( defines locative art in terms of its technologies, which connect...
  • asciiimage - aims at creating an online tool to generate ASCII art from jpg images uploaded by its visitors. This...
  • arctic conquistadors -
    ... or non-governmental bodies. The artist reflects on how the current situation is...
  • eavesdrop - video
    ... and physical, this ingeniously crafted artwork is driven by any member of the public who,...
  • Place-Hampi - video
    Interactive visualization:The highly original feature of Place-Hampi is its interactive projection system, invented by Jeffrey Shaw in 1995, and which for the first time is now using stereoscopic 3D projection. Its main attraction is the motorised
  • Silence -
    ... dialogue and cuddles. It invites us to start talking…