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  • I.E.D (Improvised Empathetic Device) The current U.S. led war in Iraq has suffered enormous casualties, where the toll on civilian lives in Iraq is vague and many times unreported. The number of U.S. casualties is reported and monitored, many of
  • Cycloramadrome -
    ... technology of 360-degree projection developed in the 50s, the artist sets out to utilize aspects of the surrounding environment as a...
  • ... des Performers vom eigenen Körper ablenkt auf technische Artefakte. In einigen Experimenten wird gezeigt, was passiert, wenn der...
    ...Icônes Numériques codes barres, ADN, réseaux numériques
    ART AND MYTHOANALYSISArtist: Hervé FischerComment:
  • ... crosses into territories once thought impossible, Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) has responded with a public party to highlight the...
  • ... into an embodied spatial experience. Using a helicopter, participants are lifted to hover at a height that allows them to...
  • ... a democracy. This is why the psy-ops principle of “winning hearts and minds” could simultaneously exist with the military strategy of...
  • Free Range Grain -
    Free Range Grain was a live, performative action that used basic molecular biology techniques to test for genetically modified (GM) food in the global food trade. CAE wanted this interventionist performance to demonstrate how the "smooth space" of
  • Molecular Invasion -
    ... done in cooperation with students from the Corcoran School of Art and Design and exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC....