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  • ... with a hand gesture, and the protagonists - like life-size moving...
    ... viewing a natural field from a different perspective, with the... a diversity of audio and visual processes.
  • ... the eye” incarnates a host of different senses among which meanings can... “Augenschein” is a public art project that takes the eye as a symbol for...
  • ... microphones, and architectural projections of 3D representations of...
  • Abandoned
    ... beings and machines revealing different ways of seeing the human body... a technical apparatus in a process of transition in which analog...
  • ... a hummingbird in flight. Csuri produced over 14,000 frames, which...
  • ... of images in which the birds progress to dance in phases, split...
  • ... for humans, and a coded program for autonomous artificial...
  • ... world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural...
  • Re-Lighting -
    ... society with a united will to protect this "pale blue dot" becomes...