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  • videogame based on Guy Debord's board game with the same title. in collaboration with the RSG.
  • BioARTCAMP -
    ... conference BioARTCAMP is designed to emphasize ecological metaphors for describing biotechnology in public discourse, and to... / performance event where 20 national and international artists, scientists, filmmakers, and university students will work for...
  • Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  • Interactive tea table installation Zone Gallery (Newcastle). Solo show.
  • ...Video, 4 min 13 sec, color, sound An experimental documentary, part of the web project "Women of a Certain Age"
  • ...Lights Contacts is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people and more. This sensory installation is tactile, luminous and sonorous. It...
  • ... or stroking lightly them. A plant concert is created. In their artwork, the artists Scenocosme create hybrids between plants and...
  • ... Museum in Zurich in 2005, in Neuroculture, at the Westport Art Centre, Connecticut, USA in 2006, in Brain Waves, Exit Art, New...
  • ... Heimat Indien aufmerksam machen. Der Bruch zwischen dem zarten Schattenspiel und der harten Kritik macht die Poesie ihrer Kunst...
  • Leeson (b. 1941, USA) is a recipient of the 2010-2011 d.velop digital art and 2009 SIGGRAPH Lifetime Achievement Awards. She also is a...