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  • ... interact with historic images from the time of the Industrial Revolution. Images of...
  • erotogod -
    ... liquid text, 16 channel immersive, real-time audio and a tactile bodysuit. The...
  • ... of the viewer’s gaze in both space and time, which visually magnifies specific events of...
  • Stolen Life -
    ... a camera takes a picture of the tree each time a movement is detected : a leaf falls. ...
  • Deriva -
    ... people gather in a public space and spend time together talking, laughing and filling up a...
  • Tür - video
    ... the viewer is coming from. At the same time, the window in the same large-screen...
  • Image To Paul Klee -
    ... generated patterns and at the same time the movement of sand particles. The...
  • ... arrays of divisional articulations in time and space.
  • Trucold -
    ... in physical displacement, amnesia and time travel and ties directly into other urban...
  • Sensity -
    ... by Stanza. Artworks monitoring the real time interactive city using wireless sensors. If...