Archive Search

  • Non-weddings -
    ... dans l’inconscient”, as I realized that the Internet search engines had some similarities with...
  • Double Helix Swing -
    ...le helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the...
  • ...“get.real” addresses the complex interrelationship of nature/life and technology, literally drawing out...
  • ... tracking systems, computers, cameras, thermal printer, custom-made hardware and software...
  • ...Over more than two decades, Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of Interactive...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ... light, produces biomass and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The light is observed in the...
  • Beyond Pages -
    ... piece of art. This is among others due to the well-defined framework conditions... the moment of reception. The book as a bearer of information and a means of memory is, to...
  • max mip tex -
    ... on a Hercules card [KyroII chipset] using the wrong drivers [Nvidia Geforce 2] . we...
  • Digital Zoetrope -
    ... installation and visual identity around the theme of this year’s festival 'Citystates'....
  • ...In 2009 we began a project with the British Antarctic Survey to explore how the data it derives from...