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  • ... of the spiral cone, where they either increase or decrease in size depending on the...
  • ... Square, Krambugata and Kattveita, and includes the main entrance to the hotel and the...
  • Soundcities -
    ... prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand...
  • Sonicity -
    ... literally the sound of the micro incidents of change that occur over time. The...
  • Sensity -
    ... of my research and artworks which includes:- a) a physical environment a city,...
    ... further to investigate a number of issues including how technology affords new ways of...
  • House -
    ... of data, sounds and images. This also includes live CCTV and a wireless sensor network...
  • Recollections I-IV -
    ... is constantly being developed and incorporated in new works. To date there have been...
  • Senspectra -
    ... nodes. Using Senspectra, a user incrementally assembles and refines a physical 3D...
  • ... through virtual touch and body sensations including smell and sweat using specially designed...