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  • Recombinant Icon -
    ... its state, ad infinitum (a process of recombinance). In this...
  • ... The program MAX receives, processes, and sends MIDI messages. It...
  • Glume -
    ... of organic forms and processes not possible with existing...
  • PICO -
    ... abstract and complex, but the processes through which computation...
  • mirrage -
    ... of Peter Szely, where they are processed and, multiply mirrored and...
  • Plan-it! -
    ... even predict the future. In the process of creating such an...
  • FemCity -
    ... a few facts about economic processes, statistical data and about...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... recorded during the creative process of making the sand mandala. ...
  • ...Tangible Business Process Analyzer is a collaborative tool for designing what a...
  • ... during the IP Network design process. Using TUI, it became possible...