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  • ... sensing device and rear wheel motion detector assembly. These devices...
  • Swarm
    ...Interactive installation showing the motion of a swarm of agents over a 2D or 3D...
  • ... Waterfall was captured in motion video and represented as a...
  • On translation -
    ... was written that translates a passage from Walter Benjamin’s text...
  • London Dig
    ... on the screens. People passing or standing before the screens...
  • ... speed can be controlled without motors or any shaft mechanisms. It...
  • Morpho Tower -
    ... can be controlled without motors. It is simply control by...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... spikes. The ferrofluid motion has been carefully designed to...
  • Sonicity -
    ... sensor based technologies. Motes are used to collect the data. The...
  • ... is converted to text, which is passed to the other computer and then...