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  • Dinosaurus -
    ...This KU Theatre for Young people production is another step in the University Theatre's ongoing work with virtual reality technology. Director Patrick Carriere, Bemidji, MN, graduate student, and Mark Reaney professor of theatre & Film teamed up to stage this...
  • Machinal -
    ... first woman to die in the electric chair. Our production of this American classic drew upon, and further refined the techniques we discovered in past i.e.VR productions. The main scenic elements consisted of virtual environments projected in...
  • ... with computergenerated 3-D animations, is presently working in Stockholm with the VR-Cube of the Royal Institute of Technology. In 1998, the VR-cube was inaugurated with her VR-piece THE PARALLEL DIMENSION. Invited by InterCommunication Center...
  • ... influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history books. Technical revolutions have changed societies as much as ideologies. Often...
  • Magnet -
    ... Funded by the British Council and Creative New Zealand. Magnet is an interactive work employing remote visual sensing techniques and large scale digital video projection. Magnet employs two computers, two low light video cameras and two high...
  • ... influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history books. Technical revolutions have changed societies as much as ideologies. Often...
  • Suspension
    ... its indissoluble links to material substrate, and its figuration of recurrences; vehicle concerns body, signification, and technological apparatus as constituted in motion, including the ways that this apparatus converts, transports, and makes its users...
  • Drive -
    ...Drive is a video installation that combines traditional cinematic technology with new digital and military-based imaging systems. These include new tracking, identifying, and targeting technologies. Combining old and new, analog and network, civilian and military,...
  • Under Fire -
    ... media ecology. The image becomes a malleable, reproducible, and re-frameable event, produced by a multiplicity of human and technological applications. Such a media ecology involves not only perception but sensation. It operates at the symbolic,...
  • ... process of coding and decoding. This is an exciting but extremely complex task. The aim is to elaborate, in scientific and technical terms, a process of interaction and circularity between space and mind, or between the psychophysical activity of a subject...