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  • Glenlandia -
    From September 2005, a webcam will be transmitting images of Loch Faskally, Perthshire, Scotland from the FRS Research laboratory, Faskally. This webcam will be harvesting images pixel by pixel, second by second and day by day over the course of
  • Metropolis -
    Interactive digital video projection environment 16 x 16 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of
  • An Explicit Volume -
    An Explicit Volume is an interactive installation comprising nine books arranged in a three by three grid. Each book is operated by an electronic page turner. The project is sited in a darkened space where four red vinyl chairs are arranged facing
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    "Plasm: not a crime" is the artistic statement of Peter Broadwell and Rob Myers that sharing secrets is not a crime. It used to be that most interactions between people took place face to face. If you had a desire to keep something confidential,
  • Shadow Dance: Eclipse -
    This multimedia exhibit is not a kiosk, there is no mouse, no keyboard. Shadow Dance: Eclipse Exhibit is an interactive, multi-user, multi-channel, floor-sensor driven environment encouraging its users to create an eclipse by aligning the Sun, Moon
  • AirBoard -
    a board ride on the air Air Board is a sculptured board with jet engine and made for the purpose of hovering in the air. It is loaded with small turbojet engine and allows one person to stand on and hovers a few centimeters high above the ground
  • Stream I Stream II -
    ... "stream", such as streaming (downloading) data over the web and the...
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • This high-tech treatment of Shakespeare's masterpiece played June 29 - July 1, 2000 in the Lumley Studio Theatre at the University of Kent at Canterbury. The Y2K production of A Midsummer Night's Dream marks a collaboration between
  • W E L C O M E T O M Y B R A I N The human brain has hitherto been considered a static organ with a fixed set of neurons that are being used up without ever being replaced again. Now research is discovering that the brain is an extremely dynamic