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  • ... monitors the brain activity of a single user seeing a single word, an abstraction. Brain CLoud is where Human Intelligence talks to...
  • ... possibility to become “brain-workers”. Using no hands and no words, they gave a shape to human abstractions. Just by thinking[1], the...
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... and the way we perceive the world. The term Agora is a Greek word describing a place for gathering. The Homunculi gather in the...
  • Word and body -
    Word and bodyArtist: Edward KuleminComment:
  • ... Polymorphic Impression of Uršula Berlot. Likovne besede/Art Words, 105. Ljubljana: ZDSLU)
  • ... Polymorphic Impression of Uršula Berlot. Likovne besede/Art Words, 105. Ljubljana: ZDSLU)
  • ... within the framework of and beyond sensuous reality, in other words the connecting of artistic creativity with creative discoveries...
  • ... metaphor of dichotomy, implied by the dual meaning of the word reflection, since it can denote the optic phenomenon of light...
  • Transcendence Index -
    ... 2. The software program finds in the texts marker words of transcendence and evaluates the transcendence index of each...
  • An Ascent
    ... to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in...