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  • ...Shadow play installation, thirty turntables with reverse painted mylar cylinders, audio piece performed by Alaknanda Samarth 20 Min
  • videogame based on Guy Debord's board game with the same title. in collaboration with the RSG.
  • BioARTCAMP -
    ... of Windsor, Canada. BioARTCAMP is a hybrid workshop / conference / performance event where 20 national and international artists, scientists, filmmakers, and university students will work for two weeks to build a portable biology laboratory in Banff...
  • Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  • Interactive tea table installation Zone Gallery (Newcastle). Solo show.
  • ...Video, 4 min 13 sec, color, sound An experimental documentary, part of the web project "Women of a Certain Age"
  • ...Lights Contacts is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people and more. This sensory installation is tactile, luminous and sonorous. It proposes an original and interactive stagings where spectators’bodies are transformed into real sonorous human instruments. In...
  • ... them to react. The plants sing when the audience is touching or stroking lightly them. A plant concert is created. In their artwork, the artists Scenocosme create hybrids between plants and digital technology. Plants are natural sensors and are sensitive to...
  • ... a show called Mensbeeld, in 2004, in Simply Complex at the Design Museum in Zurich in 2005, in Neuroculture, at the Westport Art Centre, Connecticut, USA in 2006, in Brain Waves, Exit Art, New York, USA, 2008, in ‘Landscapes Of The Mind’, Williams College...
  • ... Ahmed Faiz. Damit will Malani auf die religiösen Unruhen in ihrer Heimat Indien aufmerksam machen. Der Bruch zwischen dem zarten Schattenspiel und der harten Kritik macht die Poesie ihrer Kunst aus. Nalini Malanis Arbeiten sind immer beides: spezifisch und...