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  • The augmented reality (AR) installation Gardens of the Anthropocene posits a science-fiction future in which native aquatic and terrestrial plants have mutated to cope with the increasing unpredictable and erratic climate swings. The plants in the
  • I am Sound -
    From Mission Base's Website: An interactive image/sound installation by Tamiko Thiel (image) and Christoph Reiserer (sound), 2016 "I am Sound" interweaves contemporary concerns with surveillance, face tracking and use of personal data into a
  • Land of Cloud -
    Winner of the VRHAM 2018 Audience Award Three days journey beyond Space and Time lies the Land of Cloud. The people there are silent. They communicate not through speech, gesture or gaze, but instead through strange and wondrous "cloud mirrors."
  • Lotus Meditation -
    Lotus Meditation was developed for the Art Innovation exhibition and symposium, jointly held by Kyoto University and Goldsmiths University of London art college. It is geolocated in Chuo-on-tei, the "Garden of the Sound of the Tide," in Kennin-ji,
  • Specious Dialogue is a playful exploration of conversation. The work comprises two cubic sculptures mounted on casters, one black and one white, house battery-powered tiny cameras, as well as wireless recording and playback systems. These can be
  • Ototoxicity -
    Through the construction of a short story and the composition of a soundscape, this project and accompanying paper explores whether the dynamic ebb and flow of a story can be conveyed through abstract sound. The work is inspired by a text by
  • Unexpected Growth -
    Perturbations in the natural order have torn the fabric of the space-time continuum, and unexpected growths are seeping into our world - perhaps from our own future. Augmented reality apps transform our mobile devices into "ARscopes;" allowing us to
  • The Observatories -
    The Observatories asked: What techniques make us feel those fight-or-flight or must-buy-it-now urges? It also demonstrated how easy it is to manipulate people through subconscious smell. In standalone structures in the centre of Milton Keynes,
  • In Particular -
    Nanoparticles are already in daily use, for example, enhancing the functionality of sun creams and sticking plasters. Meanwhile, work is underway to develop revolutionary, futuristic advances – such as tiny machines that can zip around our
  • Drawing by Numbers -
    Drawing by Numbers demonstrates the conversion process from an analogue life drawing to a digital drawing described in code. At a workshop at the Media Space in the Science Museum, London, participants could scan a recently completed life drawing