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The Observatories asked: What techniques make us feel those fight-or-flight or must-buy-it-now urges? It also demonstrated how easy it is to manipulate people through subconscious smell. In standalone structures in the centre of Milton Keynes,
Nanoparticles are already in daily use, for example, enhancing the functionality of sun creams and sticking plasters. Meanwhile, work is underway to develop revolutionary, futuristic advances – such as tiny machines that can zip around our
Lotus Meditation was developed for the Art Innovation exhibition and symposium, jointly held by Kyoto University and Goldsmiths University of London art college. It is geolocated in Chuo-on-tei, the "Garden of the Sound of the Tide," in Kennin-ji,
Drawing by Numbers demonstrates the conversion process from an analogue life drawing to a digital drawing described in code. At a workshop at the Media Space in the Science Museum, London, participants could scan a recently completed life drawing
The Time Machine that is Landscape brings together sound, video and paint in unison to bring the sensorial delight of the Cornish landscape to life. Julie Freeman’s environmental field recordings are embedded within, behind and around Robert
b) nanotextures is a generative abstract animation designed for use as a real-time visual score. It was created as part of HEARIMPROV, an experimental audiovisual concert by artist Adinda van ‘t Klooster that visualised sound for people interested
Perturbations in the natural order have torn the fabric of the space-time continuum, and unexpected growths are seeping into our world - perhaps from our own future. Augmented reality apps transform our mobile devices into "ARscopes;" allowing us to
Evolution of Fish is an augmented reality large projection that turns the surroundings--outside on building facades, or inside on gallery walls--into an underwater reef, filled with schools of fish. Visitors can use iPads to guide the fish around
In Lend Me Your Face!, a neural network animates a single photo of each participating visitor's face to match "driving videos" of leading public figures.* The deepfakes are displayed in large projections surrounding the public. The visitor is
In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic it was thought that transmission was primarily through physical contact. We were hyperaware of the surfaces we touched and of the traces that may or may not be on those surfaces. Indeed, for those alone