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  • ... explores the circumstances we live in, a new and uncharted combination of digital labor markets, "crowdsourcing," "virtual...
  • Cassandra
    30 panel polytych, acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 227.5 x 396 cm, 2009
  • Memopol-II
    ... is how do we use them. In peacetime these tools add a lot of comfort to everyday life, but what happens when the political winds...
  • ... stars, one has to move oneself. You have to type in c**.com or order newyorktimes, you have to pick up the remote control or...
  • ... and cities around the world. In an information age, telecommunications such as the Internet and the telephone bind people...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... because of the surprising behavior these installations compel the visitor to engage in. The imagery in Run Motherfucker Run...
  • ... Lynn Hershman Leeson. A pioneer of the use of interactive computer art and virtual sets in film with her 1997 feature Conceiving...
  • Interview with Roy Ascott. Meta.Morf 2010: New.Brave.World! Trondheim, Norway November 2010
  • LPDT2 -
    LPDT2 is the Second Life incarnation of Roy Ascott’s groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte (“The Pleating of the Text”), created in 1983 and shown in Paris at the Musée de l’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris during that same year.
  • ... art works that integrates physics, chemistry and computer science with philosophical practice. With the Camera Lucida...