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  • ... the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal, and fifteen years after the Paris New Delhi Tunnel,...
  • ... of political polarization. This project breaks boundaries in art transgression with a Social Sculptural Performance made by a mass...
  • ... tactical and legal issues, which can be explored through the artist’s statement and theoretical considerations. ...
  • ... Google Will Eat Itself and Amazon Noir. Cirio’s and Ludovico’s artistic activism explores the contested space of ownership rights to...
  • E-Cloud
    ... collaborators Dan Goods of NASA's JPL, and Nik Hafermaas of Art Center College of Design. In 2007, the City of San José's...
  • ..."Ten Thousand Cents" is a digital artwork that creates a representation of a $100 bill. Using a custom drawing tool, thousands of individuals...
  • Cassandra
    30 panel polytych, acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 227.5 x 396 cm, 2009
  • Memopol-II
    ... ID card or a passport is inserted into it, the machine starts collecting information about the visitor from (inter)national...
  • Media bubble doesn’t blow up without a consumer, the installation doesn’t work without the visitor. To make the media field buzzing, to create scandals and little stars, one has to move oneself. You have to type in c**.com or order newyorktimes, you
  • ... Calabrese) on exibition at MoMA The Museum of Modern Art Design and Elastic Mind February 24th - May 12th 2008 New...