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  • 2012. Inkjet prints on coated paper, dimensions variable. Life-sized pictures of people found on Google's Street View were printed and posted without authorization at the same spot where they were taken. The posters are printed in color on thin...
  • Face to Facebook texts from www.face ‐ to ‐ by Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico. 2011 Logline: Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face ‐ recognition software and then posting them on a custom ‐ made dating...
  • Partner: Dmitry Gelfand

    Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the...
  • Partner: Evelina Domnitch

    Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the...
  • Shadow play installation, thirty turntables with reverse painted mylar cylinders, audio piece performed by Alaknanda Samarth 20 Min
  • Video shadow play, two single channel animations, a series of lights and eight rotating reverse painted Lexan cylinders, sound, 3 min
  • Cassandra
    30 panel polytych, acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 227.5 x 396 cm, 2009
  • Wie das leise Spiel an der Kinder-Krippe fügen sich Formen im Schattenspiel zu einer Geschichte. Das hat etwas Zauberhaftes, doch die Bilder brechen schnell mit der vermeintlichen Idylle. Die indische Künstlerin Nalini Malani ist mit ihrer...
  • Performance for a matrix of 64 illuminated gas balloons and sound

    A room is filled with deep, evolving noises from a four-channel sound system. An eight-by-eight array of white, self-illuminated spheres floats in space like the atoms of a complex...
  • The interactive installation CloudBrowsing (2008-09) by Bernd Lintermann, Torsten Belschner, Mahsa Jenabi and Werner A. König is the first work to be shown in ZKM's recently established PanoramaLab. The project lets users experience Web-based...