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  • ... a multi-user online 3D world that uses the interactive characteristics...
  • ... the actual structures, such that the viewer experiences the...
  • ... of the story, and it is true that much of the plot and...
  • ... were subject to the gravity that applies in the real world. This...
  • ... computer graphic installation that enables users to experience a...
  • Maria Hernandez was a Bushwick activist murdered for her fight to free the area of drug use. In 1989 Bushwick Park was renamed “Maria Hernandez Park” to commemorate her memory, but the artist could not find any image of her on the Internet. This
  • FACT Centre -
    ... elements within a concept that would extend across the entire outer...
  • This augmented reality installation creates "pavilions of absence" in which images of contemporary artists, whose works in public space have been censored, are reduced to gold silhouettes and placed in the midst of terms of transgression. Each
  • Disembodied Voices, 2004 was a five projector multi-sensory interactive installation in which the viewer moves through a series of experiences exploring the differences between public and private life and how the global phenomenon of cell-phone
  • ... to be and do and create whatever we want, free of all...