Archive Search

  • Finger CodesArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • BiosecurityArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • Enlighten
    EnlightenArtist: Eleanor Gates-StuartComment:
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings for Whitney Museum Artport, in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgscroll down to launch Project.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum
  • 1+1
    1+1Artist: Sawad BrooksComment:
  • Ghosts
    GhostsArtist: Sawad BrooksComment:
  • Four Steps to Rome (EP)Artist: German GomezComment:
  • TextArc
    TextArc: Revealing Word Associations, Distribution and Frequency. TextArc is a tool designed to help people discover patterns and concepts in any text by leveraging a powerful, underused resource: human visual processing. It compliments approaches
  • TraceEncounters is a social network tracking and visualization project. It was debuted September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars Electronica festival. White circles connect cliques of size greater than 3 when the user clicks the 'Find cliques'