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  • Perfume Organ -
    ... the installation represents a symbolic confrontation of video art with an impressive glass structure. While exploring the...
  • Border/No Border -
    ... border zone of Zurich airport films businessmen stuck at the metal detector as they go through customs.
  • ...Artists who create interactive systems and artistic interface designs have begun to look for new display possibilities. For this reason façade’s...
  • ...The Value of Art are interactive paintings dealing with the economy of attention and value creation in the art world. When we look at prices of...
  • ... dichotomy between a positivistic participatory communication artwork and the awareness that communication per se can be superfluous...
  • Noise and Smoke -
    This installation consists of two vintage Bakelite telephones from the 1950ies. They are placed in viewing distance to eachother. When visitors pick up their telephone receivers, dial a number and talk into their mouthpieces, their voices are
  • ... or other specially designated performer who selects which part of the 360 degree video to reveal at any given time. However, it is...
  • ...Comparative historyArtist: Olga KisselevaComment:
  • ... the universe to order with accuracy up to the very last nanoparticle. On the one hand, nanotechnology is an opportunity for us to...
  • ... By having visitors to interact with the work and be part of its protocol, the project aims at involving each person in the...