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  • ... vitrine at the height of the figure's chest. An object that is completed by the interaction of participants, this portrait ask...
  • superposition -
    ... performing as operator/conductor/observer/examiners. All the components on stage will be in a state of superposition; sound,...
  • Long Wave - video
    ...Long wave is a site specific installation that was commissioned by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen...
  • Générique d’une série sur la création vidéo. La machine à produire de l’image, entre négation et extension de l’humaine condition.
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... subject to highly specific constraints. Works are built as computer data-bases. They are immaterial phenomena which must optimize...
  • Dark Matter - video
    ... sound behaviours. Together, these interactive zones define a complex physical but invisible form in the gallery space. A computer...
  • Hand Held -
    ... hands. Today, we regularly use our hands to navigate virtual commercial, social, political and information spaces and relationships...
  • ... of Toronto’s McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology (commonly known as the Coach House) for the Scotiabank Contact Photography...
  • ... #2 (flurry)", tracks individual snowflakes whirling in the complex turbulence created by the rigorous and minimal forms of Mies...
  • ... created by pianist Eve Egoyan and artist David Rokeby. It was commissioned by the Open Ears Festival with a grant from the Canada...