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  • Exposition Nouvelle Image, Nouveaux Réseaux, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Jusqu'à 800 000 visiteurs Première mondiale d'une exposition entièrement en réseau avec suivi personnalisé du visiteur Conception et réalisation de la
  • ... Person” features a wax cast of the artist's face that was made in 1966. Characteristic...
  • superposition -
    Superposition is a project about the way we understand the reality of nature on an atomic scale and is inspired by the mathematical notions of quantum mechanics. Performers will appear in his piece for the first time, performing as
  • Long Wave - video
    ... by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen...
  • Générique d’une série sur la création vidéo. La machine à produire de l’image, entre négation et extension de l’humaine condition.
  • AME: Art After Museum - art collection concieved by contemporary artists for virtual reality OPUS IN MACHINA > IMAGO EX...
  • Dark Matter - video
    ... hand. Starting with an empty space, the artist placed the sounds in the space by selecting...
  • Hand Held -
    ... have evolved to have a great degree of articulation and high concentrations of nerve...
  • Preliminary documentation of "Through the Vanishing Point" by David Rokeby and Lewis Kaye. The exhibition was presented at the University of Toronto’s McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology (commonly known as the Coach House) for the
  • ... paths that individual flakes follow. The artist plays with a kind of temporal depth of...