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  • ... otherwise hard to realize from inside the microcosm of society. To do...
    ... and how much they spend time inside the space. The project also... reproduced in any form without written consent. Public Domain by...
  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... sections of the screen, as the inside of the game seeps to the... inside of the game seeps to the outside. Variations in the rendering...
  • Neuro-Baby is a communication tool with its own personality and character. Through emotional modeling, it reacts to changing voices, handshake intensity, and facial expressions. Artificial neural networks allow the system to "learn" from individual
  • Infiltrate -
    ... 2x3x4 feet, spotlit from above. Inside swim 6 fat koi fish, one gold,...
  • Loc-reverb develops Colson’s themes of location and memory, concerns seen in an earlier CD-ROM "Mindtracker". Loc-reverb blends photography and moving elements to portray the artist’s interrogation of locations, in particular London. It presents the
  • Feed -
    FEED consumes the web. A play on the technical term "data feed", FEED does not supply information, it consumes information, reducing structure, meaning and content to a stream of text and pixels. An anti-browser, FEED unravels the web. Contemplative
    ... subject is influenced by the outer environment and at the same time,...
  • ... while the kaleidoscopic effect inside the prism turns the technical...
  • Art Total -
    ... to visit the work from the inside, fully experiencing the notion... would be visible from the outside.