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  • Earth day impromtu -
    EarthDay Impromptu (1990) was an event organized collaboratively. It included artists Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon and Irene Faiguenboim (Chicago) and Bruce Breland of the DAX Group of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, among other artists in
  • Genesis -
    Genesis is a transgenic artwork that explores the intricate relationship between biology, belief systems,information technology, dialogical interaction, ethics, and the Internet. The key element of the work is an "artist's gene", a synthetic gene
  • ... WWW users. There are thousands of creatures in the world all competing to survive. They eat, fight, mate and create offspring which...
  • Panspermia -
    ... that were used to efficiently create an unusual level of complexity. Dynamic simulations and particle systems were also...
  • ...Jelly LifeArtist: Michael Joaquin GreyComment:
  • ...What would life be like if it were made from computer algorithms rather than flesh and blood? Artificial Life is the name given to the...
  • Traces -
    Traces is a project for networked CAVEs (immersive VR spaces). But it is very different in its goals and its nature from any other CAVE or VR project (to the knowledge of the author). The root of the project is a long standing concern over the
  • Melaskunodousse -
    ...MelaskunodousseArtist: Louis BecComment:
  • ... reveals its true identity on this obscene stage, and all are completely devoured. The sight of the wounded calls to mind the image...
  • An interactive graphic installation through which the user can create and produce, in real time, his own personalized cyber cravat. The installation can be connected to a network. (source: