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  • Interfaces -
    ... a "collective identity" through telematic networks. As the artists involved merged their...
  • ...hat is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled...
  • ... among environments was represented by a network of spiral-shaped "portals". (source:...
  • ... in the artist's words, "an observing network at work," capturing erotic and...
  • D/eu/s -
    ... and uploaded to the Brazilian videotex network.
  • Senspectra -
    ... system functions as a distributed sensor network consisting of nodes, embedded with...
  • Less Than Three -
    ... installation of light strips that form a network between two intercoms. As a participant...
  • Blast -
    ... intertwines with emerging communications networks. Situating itself at the interstices, it...
  • Glume -
    ... to their neighbors to determine a network topology and are responsive to human...
  • Pulse Front -
    ... searchlights, entirely controlled by a network of sensors that measured the heart rate of...