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  • ... power is moving into the Cloud – but where does... from sooty carbon black to brilliant renewable...
  • The Living Image -
    A major Virtual Reality installation, motion tracking technology, stereoscopic projection as well as interactive sound and video create a unique immersive experience. (source:
  • Watch -
    ... to see. Usually, the actual images are seen...
  • Westway -
    ...o installation work focusing on the mythology of violence in...
  • ...Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is,...
  • ... feel on our bodies the presence of others at a... plunged into pitch-black darkness, slowing down...
  • ... was commissioned by the Zentrum fur Kunst und... at the edge of the Black Forest. The entire...
  • Epicene -
    ... which required the viewer to enter at which...
  • ... variable dimensions The installations...
  • Figment
    ...Figment offers an experience of the digital sublime, which...