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  • ... establishes a metaphor and indexical map of human thought. The interactive quantum spin...
  • ... things that aren’t usually indicated on maps, such as specialized nonbuilding structures and...
  • Geode - video
    ... crystal, Geode is a 12-feet-tall video mapped sculpture that fuses soundscape, public art...
  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... of the results of the test, a world map, one diploma of participation in Genographic...
  • ... has been brought to the forefront of our minds, we are ever more aware of the rich...
  • ... the web on a daily basis. These help build maps of the world’s emotions updated every 30...
  • ... the web on a daily basis. These help build maps of the world’s emotions updated every 30...
  • ... of data? Colors Tunnel and Borders Tunnel reminds us of what “distance” means between people... made of images, paintings, sounds, maps. Beyond the physical distance, a cultural...
  • ... of data? Colors Tunnel and Borders Tunnel reminds us of what “distance” means between people... made of images, paintings, sounds, maps. Beyond the physical distance, a cultural...
    ... to the audiovisual environment. In MINDSCAPE, the performer interacts with a light...