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  • Eyepiece -
    ... in 1979. In 1983, it was re-filmed for the Siggraph Art Show using Ed Tannenbaum’s realtime image processor to make an abstracted version, called "Computer Eyepiece." Both Eyepiece and Computer Eyepiece had been exhibited as a site-specific component,...
  • ...An image is repeatedly sliced, reduced to an abstraction which then re-assembles itself into a different image. The animation cycles through approximately six different images. With George Legrady's artistic direction, Yun Teng assisted with the visualization software
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... arms are capable of evolving new expressive movements based on data they receive, movements which will ‘balletically’ and abstractly describe the ‘emotional’ state of the system as a whole. Their fundamental job, however, is to scoop Azolla from the pool and...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... stronger, in a desire to communicate, to unveil its identity. The stars/characters in human history, are recognized in the abstraction of the sounds, noises, voices. The identity of the connected myth, among the pop star population which inhabits the...
  • ... and the body in unusual signal processing situations and the new field for research with images and technologies, related to abstractionism in data visualization.
  • ... on the screen as users in these cities share new images. The display alternates between showing the actual photos and their abstraction - color squares representing images using their average hue. This abstracted representation allows viewers to compare...
  • ... performances, which can be seen as formalized social studies, in real time. The topic of the series is the synthesis and abstraction of human behavioral patterns in a computer-controlled society. Even today we (unknowingly) meet a variety of bots in our...
  • ... Amazingly, since 1995, the quality of colors and printing seems to be totally preserved. They often look like paintings, abstractions, or the memory of the very moment for the first meeting.5 days after the first digging…
  • ... I was always fascinated how Dali became obsessed with this image for a time in the middle 1950s. He went on to paint his own abstracted rendering of it in, which is quite nice. For my version, I took the original photograph of a friend on New Year's Eve...
  • Vacuum formed plexi-glass, light projection Series (6): Tooth, Eyelash, Skin, Hair, Tooth v.2, Nail Dim: 80 x 90 cm (each) This series of relief light-sensitive works was conceived on the basis of computer-modified microscopic images of particles of