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  • Exploded Views -
    Exploded Views is an interactive installation whereby three participants run on individual conveyor belts. They physically move themselves through both an interactive audio-environment and interactive imagery projected at the front of the belts. The
  • ArtFem.TV
    ArtFem.TV is an online television programming presenting Art and Feminism. The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works and projects, to create an international online television screen for the creativity, images and voices
  • Soul Of The City -
    Soul Of The City By Stanza 2009 Enter Artwork online. Version one. Version two. Version three. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is the city
  • love, piracy, and the office of religious weblog expansion, 2009 Mixed media (performance, installation, online project, artists’ book) Text based on an interview with Ali Alizadeh by Mukul Patel, February 2008
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the
  • for pina
    for pina... Attakkalari Center for Movement Arts, Bangalore: "for pina..." a site-specific promenade performance presented with film installation and live music designed to commemorate an iconic dance artist of our times ... Pina Bausch. Even
  • Long Wave - video
    Long wave is a site specific installation that was commissioned by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen Lambert Galleria, Brookfield Place, Toronto, June 5 - 20, 2009. It is a 380 foot long, 60 foot high
  • INCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science and Ecology School for Arts and Creative Innovation, The University of Windsor Director, Dr. Jennifer Willet 2009 – Ongoing INCUBATOR is a physical and theoretical hub, a new
  • “Drama house” is a house when the simple ring at the doorbell can have unpredictable consequences; event, one is stranger then another and in the same time all, what happens with habitants belongs to everyday life. Sometimes these circumstances are
  • ArsRss -
    ArsRSS re-reads between approximately 100 art and new media related RSS feeds twice-daily, caches the feeds and completely re-writes its database of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching across feeds and for