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  • On translation -
    ... of translation as a field of action oscillating between word-by-word translation and the freedom of interpretation, between...
  • ... the carbon dioxide. The blue light in the aquarium reads as the word “beloved”, which is a reference to the endosymbiosis theories of...
  • Plain Text -
    ... cycle through every letter in the alphabet. By this, every word that is six characters long will eventually appear in the phrase...
  • Digital Zoetrope -
    ... horizontals and diagonals which merge into letters and words at speed.
  • Emotion Ringtones -
    ... the world network and displays the result in the shape of words representing the previously selected emotions, accompanied by...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... «Ping/Pong» explores the process of sending and receiving wordless messages between organic and artificial agents by means of body... «Ping/Pong» explores the process of sending and receiving wordless messages between organic and artificial agents by means of body...
  • Word and body -
    Word and bodyArtist: Edward KuleminComment:
  • ... This text is censored draconically: of the philosopher’s 1,500 word-long responses, only one word is left legible, and it is a...
  • Mirrors
    ...e ‘Audience’ installation it aims to re-interpret the meaning of the word ‘pixel’, in that it’s layout is not arranged in the usual tight grid...
  • ... differences of individual and collective perception. In other words, the sequence and choices that each viewer selects reflect his...