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    Find your own Universal Health We are the only major pharma corporation to have emerged in the 21st century. We are corporate futurists. Our capabilities are unlimited. We are good. We and you and your health are one with the universe. We
  • ... world in which they never see a welcome blade of grass, earth, trees or any part of the natural world." There are complaints...
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    ... and legal Documents) in the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, The Premises Gallery Johannesburg, Museu d`Art...
  • etoy -
    ... and the Internet, written by Regula Bochsler and Adam Wishart.
  • ... feat. Alessandro Ludovico vs. Paolo Cirio Net.Art, digital Actionism / Media Hacking, mixed Media, 2005 We...
  • ... made anew, pristine, white, and wreathed in the haze of an artificial atmosphere, held aloft like the fossilized egg of a...
  • Text Trends -
    Text Trends deals with the spectacularization of information. Using Google data it explores the vast search data of its users. The animation takes the content generated by search queries and reduces this process to its essential elements: search
  • A [hidden] transmission device, using Bluetooth protocols, continually searches for visible and open devices (mobile phones, laptops, PDAs etc) within an area. On discovering an open device, a simple message is sent, reading: “I am still alive”*. I
  • The urban installation is based on the measuring of infrastructural ( passengers, cars…) and communicational ( electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones, radio…) flows and their transposition into luminous, sonic and kinetic actions. It
  • framework f5x5x5 -
    Framework is a kinetic light sculpture constituted by five modules. Each of these modules is constituted of 5 horizontal and 5 vertical square elements, establishing a grid of 5x5x5 =125 frames. This resolution writing is present in the project