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  • Surface Tension -
    ...Surface Tension is an interactive installation where an image of a giant human eye follows the observer with orwellian precision. This work was inspired by a reading of Georges Bataille’s text The Solar Anus during the first Gulf War –the first wide-spread...
  • Breathing Chaos -
    ...Year:2004 (short film, 8min 11sec) Sachiko Kodama Sound by Ippei Ogura Breathing Chaos is a short film that uses the dynamic forces of nature to suggest that life emerges from the expression of physical power. Themes include the chaos of fluidity, the order...
  • max mip tex -
    ...chad and I were playing around with running some of our half-life levels on a Hercules card [KyroII chipset] using the wrong drivers [Nvidia Geforce 2] . we suspected this might lead to something interesting, as they have very different ways of handling OpenGL. at...
  • hello process! -
    ...aymeric mansoux / marloes de valk , 2006-2010 Computer, dot matrix printer, chain paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at: and it is sold under Public License GNU , version 2(GPL v2) Hello Process!...
  • ...Motorised measuring tapes, kinect tracking systems, computers, cameras, thermal printer, custom-made hardware and software dimensions variable Rows of motorised measuring tapes record the amount of time that visitors stay in the installation. As a computerised...
  • ...Over more than two decades, Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of Interactive Artworks and the design and construction of technologies for Embodied Interaction, utilising Machine Vision and Robotics technologies. This has involved fundamental...
  • Digital Zoetrope -
    ...Troika was commissioned by onedotzero to create a custom installation and visual identity around the theme of this year’s festival 'Citystates'. Opting to create an installation and identity that integrate into each other, Troika designed a modern digital zoetrope...
  • ...In 2009 we began a project with the British Antarctic Survey to explore how the data it derives from its research in the Southern Ocean could be redeployed in public forms. The project builds out from the conceptual themes achieved in our previous work Cyclone.soc, but...
  • After Microsoft -
    ...The most distributed image ever is being phased out. What remains is a hill in Sonoma Valley, California. In the context of this project we have re-visited the hill. “After Microsoft” tells the story of a January day in the late 90’s when the hill came to coincide with...
  • Flack Attack -
    ...Flack Attack is a magazine coming out of The Port, a community-driven space inside the online 3D world Second Life. Flack Attack explores a distributed model for magazine production. The workflow starts with a wiki, a web page allowing for open and continual...