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  • ... objects visible, and revealing the incredible beauty of the mathematical landscape....
  • ... has become stone. Where they twinkle like inclusions in the light of the stars there are...
  • FemCity -
    ... without any guaranteed continuity of income, a relation etc. During the course of the...
  • ... printing each of the frames as 9 x 12 inch images on 11 x 14 inch paper, then cutting...
  • A-Positive -
    ... new breeds of hybrid machines that incorporate biological elements and from these...
  • The Library -
    ... the Arts, Millennium Arts Fund, the first incarnation of this project titled: THE LIBRARY,...
  • ... words come one after another so that the increasing density of terms makes the music more...
  • ... Screen 2 presents the globe from outside, increasingly covered by the words, and the...
  • ... both distance (as in a “stop” gesture) and inclusion (as in the expression “show of hands”). ...
  • ... slot machine, THE MACHINE IN THE GARDEN incorporates the Buddhist motif of See no evil,...