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  • Menagerie
    The goal of this effort is to demonstrate one of the first fully immersive Virtual Environment installations that is inhabited by virtual characters and presences specially designed to respond to and interact with its users. This experience allows a
  • Virtual Orchestra -
    "In a room with large-screen walls, where animated virtual players hold different musical instruments, the visitor, wearing data gloves, conducts a musical performance, leading the tempo with one hand and, with the other, directing aspects of the
  • "Global Interior Project" is an experimental art work using digital networking technology for realizing Networked Multi-User Virtual Environment which enables to share one virtual space with several people from different terminals. People can
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... space. The space can be examined interactively by participants at the networked connected terminals in each installation...
  • Jaron Lanier, the musician and scientist who coined the term "Virtual Reality" brings the two worlds of his life, music and technology, together in a revolutionary new form of live performance. Jaron's group, Chromatophoria, combines deep use
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... foretold computers not as a dehumanizing force, but as an artistic medium, the production company sought to simultaneously...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... of special 3-D "sunglasses". Thanks to the generous support of Artifice Inc. we created computer models for each scene with the aid...
  • Wings -
    Our most recent project was to advance the technology and techniques discovered during production of The Adding Machine. We utilized the projected computer graphic system developed for The Adding Machine, but further required that each audience
  • Earth day impromtu -
    ...hDay Impromptu (1990) was an event organized collaboratively. It included artists Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon and Irene Faiguenboim (Chicago) and...
  • Genesis -
    ... according to a conversion principle specially developed by the artist for this work. The sentence reads: "Let man have dominion over...