Archive Search

  • ... oeuvre employed video as a poetic technological...
  • TeamWorkStation -
    ... of individual workspace video images. ...
  • ... Explorations, is the musical content of the...
  • ... installation and music? Exchange Fields sought to... media/dance comprised of video, text, a sculptural...
  • Blowup
    ... work consists of a large video projection in which video...
  • All you can see -
    ...With common video formats, almost 17 million different colours can...
  • Genetic Seed Bank -
    ...Animation for artist Suzanne Anker. Video loop created from still...
  • Universal Translator -
    ... an interactive sound and video work focussed on the sound...
  • Stairs -
    ... bags is doubled by the video projection depicting...
  • A Light Rain -
    ... the rainbow, and hear music played by water streams. ...