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  • Dadameter -
    ...Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the Dadameter aims at measuring our distance to...
  • Trucold -
    ...TRUCOLD is a video work shot at night on the streets of London and - during a heavy fog - in Karlsruhe...
  • ...Mozart's "The Magic Flute" at La Scala theater in Milan on March 20, 2011, directed by visual artist...
  • Non-weddings -
    ... dans l’inconscient”, as I realized that the Internet search engines had some similarities with...
  • Flypad -
    ... a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in...
  • ... paw and a light source that slowly draw the face of Jim Pomeroy (1946-1992) in... A tomb made of cardboard packing boxes. Inside, a primate-lab cage and a mechanism. That moves a...
  • The Potential Thief -
    ...New performance installation exploring the relationship between the individual and cinematic image....
  • Double Helix Swing -
    ...le helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... of a doorway towards you_ but someone at the next table is talking. He's telling his...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ... light, produces biomass and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The light is observed in the...