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  • Be prepared tiger -
    ... designed for military missions are cut-away parts of one...
  • "This project unfolded around an anti-NATO militarism web portal that was founded in August 2001 and ran until late 2006. The website gained international popularity over the years through covering news about NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe,
  • ... communications, enact military missions, or wander above us as...
  • Beyond Pages -
    Masaki Fujihata calls many of his works “experiments”. To him, BEYOND PAGES is a piece of art. This is among others due to the well-defined framework conditions that—contrary to many of his other works—are not designed as an open process. The
    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités