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  • Inversion (2001) is a new dance/installation, a collaboration with the Dancer/Choreographer Regina van Berkel that explores the topic of Nanotechnology through a poetic text, a musical score, the A Hybrid Invention Generator like system functioning
  • Exchange Fields (2000), commissioned by the Vision Ruhr Exhibition in Dortmund Germany, incorporates the recorded dance and choreography of Regina van Berkel. The programmer Gideon May also became involved in this project. The central question dealt
  • Red Dice / Des Chiffré (2000) was commissioned by the Canadian National Gallery and is now in their permanent collection. Seaman again worked with Chris Ziegler on the programming of the work. The work presents a text by the Poet Stéphane Mallarmé -
  • The World Generator / The Engine of Desire (1996-present) marks an expansion of Seaman's work into the realm of virtual environments. Seaman collaborating with the programmer Gideon May authored a complex virtual world generator that enables
  • Passage Sets / One Pulls Pivots at the Tip of the Tongue (1995) is an interactive installation that functions as an elaborate navigable audio/visual poem. Seaman worked with Chris Ziegler as the programmer for this work. Three projections comprise
  • Abstraction Machine / Erotic - The Voyeur of Light (1994) was a site specific installation in a hotel room, Room 33 Gallery, Regent's Court Hotel, Sydney, Australia. The security viewer was inverted so that visitors could view into the room. A
  • The second major interactive installation was entitled The Exquisite Mechanism of Shivers (1993). It should be noted that many of Seaman's works were shown in different states and /or alternate contexts. Each version of the work informs other
  • THE DOLLY CLONES Tilllie, The Telerobotic Doll 1995-1998 http://www. and CybeRoberta 1970-1998 These two telerobotic dolls share information and vie for images to
  • Time and Time again -
    Time&Time Again extends media navigation to a site-specific context with both web- and body-based interfaces. A distributed interactive installation, the piece was commissioned by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its
  • Autopoiesis -
    Autopoiesis, is a robotic sculpture installation commissioned by the Kiasma Museum in Helsinki, Finland as part of Outoaly, the Alien Intelligence Exhibition curated by Erkki Huhtamo, 2000. It consists of fifteen robotic sound sculptures that