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  • San Marco Flow -
    ... abstract themselves through their shifting motions. Tour groups flow across the image like a river. The left side accumulates...
    ... reminiscent of the behavioural conditions of complex insect groups. it isthe viewerwho unknowingly drives the work, his auditory...
  • Epidémie -
    ... une table en quinconce. C’est la salle destinée à l’accueil des groupes, les scolaires ont ainsi accès aux différents programme on line ou...
  • ... systems that typecast and try to detect different ethnic groups or suspicious individuals, as in the latest computer-vision...
  • CodeZebra -
    ... that enables conversations between different individuals and groups on the Internet. Applications include performances, video...
  • FACT Centre -
    ... being distributed across the surface of the building in 7 groups. The groups being ordered according to the colours of a...
  • Time Value -
    ... a system set up by the development department of multinational groups. This system allows them to optimize the location of their...
  • ... burners and the musical instruments being played by two groups of musicians, are reconstructed as 3-D models that float out of...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... edge treatments, encloses and connects the three figures grouped in an otherwise fractured proximity given their image origins...
  • ... a way that the images are interlaced creating sculpture-like groupings. The results are then captured, either as flat 2D images, or...