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  • ... This series of photographs was produced using a particular form of...
    ...glazing on glass (dim: 120 x 80 cm), light projection and reflection The light...
  • ...ula Berlot, Kaleidoscopic Gaze, 2010 video projection onto an image on a mirror...
    ... author’s brain responding to different colors. The image of a... Video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop, 3′) mirror (110 x 110 cm),...
    ... layering reflected light, video projections of radiological scans of...
    ... they exist only as waves of different frequency-lengths bouncing... exiglass, resin or light reflection, light projection, reflective foil variable...
  • ... experiments with consciousness, different mental states and the... is illuminated by two halogen projectors. It slowly rotates and...
  • ...light installation bended plexiglas, light projection and reflection, electronic...
  • ... challenges our perception of differentiation between the real and... and meditative state. The projection of simulated vitriol into an...
  • ... (150 x 200 cm), resin, light projection, sand 'Working with nature,...