Archive Search

  • Non-weddings -
    Non-weddings was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in “L’instance de la lettre dans l’inconscient”, as I realized that the Internet search engines had some similarities with this presentation (cf Google Image). The drawing by Lacan was
  • Epiphanies - video
    ... of raw material would go to bankruptcy… I was naïve of course,...
  • Lecture
  • Documentary
  • The installation ensemble, «The Edison Effect» connects the Ages of Mechanical, Electronic, and Digital Audio-Technologies. Different interactive systems probe the acoustic inscriptions of vinyl discs, and other objects, with the help of laser beams
  • A tomb made of cardboard packing boxes. Inside, a primate-lab cage and a mechanism. That moves a computer controlled monkey's paw and a light source that slowly draw the face of Jim Pomeroy (1946-1992) in phosphorescent pigment.
  • Firebirds
    Flames, suitably modulated by electric fields, can be made to act as omnidirectional loudspeakers of surprising loudness and clarity. Each flame, captive within its cage, recites the words of a famous orator 1935-1936.
  • A memorial - and a warning - for the Jasmine Revolutions of the 2011 Arab Spring. A soft rain of jasmine flowers promises freedom - but the viewer is trapped in a golden cage.
  • Live dance performance with realtime interactive 3D virtual world as stage set. The dance performance "In the Land of Babari-an" is an inner journey in which the dancers, Shinichi Iova-Koga and Ishide Takuya, incorporate their own East/West
  • Documentary