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  • ... art research group Sponge that proposes a novel way of...
    ... floor-projected interface that visitors walk over. The computer...
  • ... and wear sensor-embedded clothing that enabled them to “play” the room as a...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI...
  • M2 video
    Overall, the event is cyclical; however, the groups spend variable amounts of time going through the chambers. The immersion room is the only area of the environment where visitors are allotted a fixed time. Also, each group of spectators contains
  • n-Polytope -
    ... architectural environments that make the indeterminate and chaotic...
  • GALLIA - video
    GALLIA (1987-88) is Stenger's first 3D movie, and already displays many of the distinctive features of her future productions: color, rhythm, recurrent sequences and vibrant soundtrack.
  • POPUREVE - video
    POPUREVE, a fast-paced 3D animation about the 1789 Revolution, reshuffling several recurring themes about freedom, equality and the guillotine, is Stenger's second digital movie and fantasy work about French History, after GALLIA (1987-88) The movie
  • A cautionary tale in Machinima style, Nicole Stenger's last movie, is a light & dark fantasy about the theme of Cyberwar. (Based on a true story). 5 minutes.
  • Streaming Museum, an international public art and online museum, will celebrate its fourth anniversary on January 31 with the US premiere of “Emotion Forecast” and “Occupy Wall Screens,” real-time artworks by the renowned French artist Maurice