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  • Mapping the void -
    Mapping the Void is a series of urban performances by Pessi Parviainen and Christophe Bruno. The performances study the relations between different physical places and the mapping of the global mediascape as we know it.
  • Dadameter -
    Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the Dadameter aims at measuring our distance to Dada. It was inspired by the work of the french writer Raymond Roussel. The project is a satire about the recent transmutation of language into a
  • Curating Second Night -
    ... de Cayeux, Claude Closky, Alain Della Negra, Kaori Kinoshita, Yona...
  • Logo.Hallucination -
    ... was exhibited at the Rencontres Internationales Paris Berlin in...
  • (in)human sciences -
    ... NICC, Love Difference et Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto. ...
  • Human Browser -
    A human being embodies the World Wide Web Human Browser is a series of Wi-Fi performances based on a Google Hack, where the usual technological interface is replaced with the oldest interface we know: the human being. Winner of the Share
  • Dreamlogs -
    “You can only command language by obeying it” (G. Perec & M.Bénabou, P.A.L.F. project, OuLiPo 1964) Dreamlogs are an idea association engine. They propose another way to surf on the Internet, by disentangling the discourses that have interlaced
  • wi-fi sm -
    After the the guerilla-marketing campaign for WiFi-SM was launched at the Tirana Bienniale of Contemporary Art in 2003, the real product was shown for the first time at galerie Sollertis in January 2006: the WiFi-SM patch is now for real You
  • Gogol Chat -
    The Web is a global text. The hypothetical character, whose speech tends towards this global text, the sum of all speeches of mankind, is called Gogol. Originally GogolChat was conceived as a multi-user chat where this fictitious character lives.
  • Mozart's "The Magic Flute" at La Scala theater in Milan on March 20, 2011, directed by visual artist William Kentridge.